Chorion biopsy and Amniocentesis

Simulation Program in Fetal Therapy and Medicine

Time is money and we value your time very much. Our person-to-person training programs want you to complete your learning curve in just 24 hours and acquire the skills and competencies necessary to carry out your work efficiently and effectively from day one.

A chorion biopsy involves obtaining a placenta tissue sample by inserting a needle into the placenta under ultrasound guidance.

With this technique a sample of the trophoblast is obtained and the amniotic sac is avoided. This makes it possible to perform this procedure early (between weeks 10+0 and 13+6 of gestation).

The most important indications for this procedure include a positive first trimester screening, carrier status for a genetic illness or the presence of ultrasound markers which indicate fetal aneuploidy or malformations.

The main international societies (NICE, ACOG) recommend that professionals receive training in order to acquire the competency before performing the chorion biopsy without supervision.  To perform this procedure without supervision it is essential to employ training models for clinical skills (puncture, communication), with measureable results and adapted evaluation systems.

Even experienced professionals are advised to perform at least 30 procedures per year in order to maintain their skills, a number which is unfathomable for the majority of professionals, thus making advanced training models a necessity.

In addition, professionals with extensive experience (over 100 procedures per year), have higher success rates and fewer chances of procedure-related fetal death. Professionals who only perform this procedure on occasion (a low number of procedures per year) may have a higher incidence of procedure-related fetal death.

Therefore, training in the performance of chorion biopsy is essential to good clinical practice and optimisation of results.

This course also includes advanced training in performing amniocentesis.



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1.000 €


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