Egg Retrieval

Simulation Program in Assisted Human Reproduction

Time is money and we value your time very much. Our person-to-person training programs want you to complete your learning curve in just 24 hours and acquire the skills and competencies necessary to carry out your work efficiently and effectively from day one.


Follicle puncture for oocyte retrieval is a fundamental step in Assisted Human Reproduction. Thus, developing the skills and competencies related to ovarian puncture and follicle aspiration is considered a key aspect to training professionals in this discipline.

The simulations make it possible to receive hands-on training in the procedures, including simulations of tissue that is resistant to penetration by the aspiration needle and ultrasound-guided monitoring of movements during follicle aspiration.

This way, professionals in training can practice and develop competencies by utilising simulation scenarios based on real clinical images, as well as evaluate their performance in the different areas being analysed.



Face to face

1.500 €


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